Performing objects, gestures in the landscape. Knit Color Chart, felled and worn from color chart found in the publication: Paint & Painting, an exhibition and working studio sponsored by Winsor & Newton @ The Tate Gallery, 1982 London, UK p.20 + 21 charting color ranges > *Cave *Egyptian * Greek * Italian **18th & 19th Cetury **20th Century
Created while on residence at NES, Skagaströnd . Iceland APR 2015
In collaboration with knitters Àslaug Ott (IS), Wibeke Bruland (NO) + Isabella Praher (AT)
Development of Colour Ranges through the Ages
2015 . Skagaströnd . ICELAND
Icelandic wool knit, felted + worn
94" x 40" > 239 x 101 cm.
2015 Development of Color Ranges through the Ages